Chaos Control Blog

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Chaos`Control artik blog olarak devam edcektir. Sitede sadece kendime gore yazilar yazacagim. CC-Gaming ailesinde Cod4, Quake 3 ve Dota takimi uzun zaman aktif olmadigindan degisiklige karar verdim. Bu degisiklik herkes icin iyi olacaktir. Bizlere destek olan herkese tesekkur ediyoruz. Saygilarimla by Ares

Ocak 2012 için arsiv

Matty B Raps

Yazan: aresSonic Tarih: Oca 6th, 2012 | Kategori:: Müzik

MattyBRaps FaN 😉 Got Talent 2. Finalist

Ryan Solo Performance

Yazan: aresSonic Tarih: Oca 6th, 2012 | Kategori:: EÄŸlence

go ryan 🙂 Got talents Champions!

Tell Me Why-Declan Galbraith

Yazan: aresSonic Tarih: Oca 6th, 2012 | Kategori:: Müzik

En sevdiğim müziklerden birisidir. 🙂

In my dreams, Children sing
A song of love for every boy and girl
The sky is blue, the fields are green
And laughter is the language of the world
Then I wake and all I see is a world full of people in need

Tell me why,(why) does it have to be like this
Tell me why, (why) is there something I have missed
Tell me why, (why) cause I don’t understand
When so many need somebody
We don’t give a helping hand
Tell me why

Every day, I ask myself
what will I have to do to be a man
Do I have, to stand and fight
To prove to everybody who I am
Is that what my life is for?
To waste in a world full of war

Tell me why, (why) does it have to be like this
Tell me why, (why) is there something I have missed
Tell me why,(why) cause I don’t understand
When so many need somebody
We don’t give a helping hand
Tell me why (Tell me why)
Tell me why (Tell me why)
Tell me why (Tell me why)
Just tell me why (why, why, why)

Tell me why, (why) does it have to be like this
Tell me why, (why) is there something I have missed
Tell me why, (why) cause I don’t understand
When so many need somebody
We don’t give a helping hand
Tell me why (Why why, does the tigers run?)
Tell me why (Why why, do we shoot the gun?)
Tell me why (Why why, do we never learn?)